Endometriosis Endometriosis mainly affects women of child-bearing age, and unfortunately, from several points of view it is still not fully cleared in nature. The endometrium is the inner layer of the cavity of the womb, which will gradually thicken during menstrual cycle, then detach during menstruation (period). In endometriosis, such endometrium is found in other
Crampy period Period cramps (dysmenorrhea) are throbbing or crampy pains in the lower abdomen. Many women have period cramps before and during period. For some women, cramps are only annoying. For others, period cramps are severe enough to disturbe their everyday life for a few days a month. Treating the cause is crucial to decrease
Abnormal uterine bleeding, menstruation disorders A regular period once in a month may be a burden on its own. If bleeding becomes irregular, exploring the cause provides further stress. Abundant, clumpy, missed or even crampy period may be embarrassing and problematic. It is possible to change clothes several times a day, however, this is not
Premenstrual syndrome/PMS Hormonal changes associated with menstrual cycle may result in mild subjective symptoms in most women, but these will not influence lifestyle or activity. However, extensive complaints may occur in the time around period, which may even restrict normal life. The quite variable syndrome occurring in the days prior to the period is named