Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Because you can find out the index (degree) of Real Estrogen Dominance, that shows whether and, if so, to what extent you are at risk of developing or exacerbating disorders caused by estrogen dominance.

No! If we only take these two values into account, we get the wrong result. It is a much more complex context of the hormone system if you want to get the real estrogen dominance value.

Because they are unable to determine the degree or severity of estrogen dominance, and they cannot follow up the effectiveness of treatments. We cannot diagnose upon only symptoms.

Yes! The estrogen dominance is always the cause or consequence of something, and in most cases it involves other hormonal abnormalities.

No! You can turn with your hormonal abnormalities to a doctor or even a naturopath experienced in hormonal abnormalities. But if that specialist does not see the need to carry out further tests, or trying to treat estrogen dominance with medicine (only herbal treatment is effective as a causal treatment), or, for example, suggests taking contraceptive pills to suppress symptoms, it goes wrong, look for another specialist.

As mentioned above, estrogen dominance is a very complex problem, with a variety of symptoms ranging from the mildest to the toughest. Some examples:

  • Menstrual cramps, endometriosis
  • Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
  • Ovarian cysts
  • Fibroids
  • Irregular and abnormal cycles
  • Infertility
  • Habitual abortions
  • Hormonal disorders
  • Chronic vaginal discharge
  • Weight gain, especially in the abdomen and hip

This is possible because the hormone results should never be evaluated on the basis of the reference values ​​given on the laboratory paper, whether they are in the reference range or not. In all cases, it is necessary to talk about their proportions and their effects on each other, and only upon this basis is possible to decide whether or not someone has an estrogen dominance and to what degree.

In the second half of your cycle, that is, in case of a 28-day menstrual cycle woman between 17th-23rd days of your cycle. If the cycle is longer than this, for example it usually takes 30-35 days for the next menstruation, then it has to take the blood between 19th-25th days of your cycle. But if you are more likely to have menstrual periods between 21-25 days, you have to take the blood sample between 16th-18th days of your cycle.

The period between the first days of the red bleeding in two consecutive menstruation.

The first red bleeding day of menstruation, the spotting doesn't matter. But for example, if the bleeding comes in late afternoon, then the next day counts for the first day of the cycle.

Because only this stage of the cycle is suitable for determination of the progesterone / estrogen ratio, moreover all the blood results needed to measure the RED index, the real estrogen dominance, should come from one blood sample.

Yes it can be! But you have to know that the value measured at this time shows the prevalence of estrogen dominance in the body with the use of the drug (hormone), rather than the actual estrogen dominance in the body without using the drug or the contraceptive.

Yes! Only herbal treatment is effective as a causal treatment. Synthetic (medicament) progesterone is unable to integrate into the body and thus cannot compensate for the estrogen excess in the body.

Yes! Herbal treatment is required for this.

At least 3 months should elapse between the first two measurements because the estrogen excess clears from the body via the blood circulation, and so the outgoing estrogen may temporarily give a rise to an extremely high blood estrogen level while the estrogen is cleared.

At this point, we don't want to frighten anyone, but estrogen dominance doesn't stop at the level of the fact that too much estrogen in my body and that’s all.