Prescreening endometriosis with thermography
Endometriosis is mainly suspected by the physician based on the symptoms of the patient. Some forms of endometriosis may be identified by transvaginal sonography or bimanual gynecological examination, however, there are several other forms with possible severe further consequences (urinary bladder endometriosis, bowel endometriosis, other peritoneal endometriosis) that cannot be detected with the above examinations.
As a unique method worldwide, under adequate circumstances, thermography may detect functionally active endometriosis with over 90% certainty, and exclude the possibility of the disease with almost 100% certainty, making “unnecessary” surgeries avoidable. This is why we call it prescreening.
Furthermore, with this examination we can also follow the healing process of endometriosis during and after treatment completely without any risks and restrictions.
Possible examinations in suspected endometriosis:
- Bimanual examination (larger endometriosis may be palpated sometimes)
- Transvaginal sonography (suitable to assess adenomyosis and the structure of ovarian endometriosis cyst, lesions located at other parts of the abdomen are mostly not visible)
- Pelvic and abdominal laparoscopy (surgery under anesthesia)
- MRI (endometriosis over 3 mm in size, and with certain volume can be detected)
- Biochemical marker (blood test) – CA-125 (poor specificity, unsuitable for diagnosis)
- Thermography (harmless, painless, short, no radiation and suitable to asses the whole pelvic region)
Symptoms of endometriosis:
The leading symptom is pain. This can be characterizes with the following:
- Painful period
- Lower abdominal crampy pain around period
- Pain during or after sexual intercourse
- Painful bowel movements
- Urinary bladder tenderness, or pain around period
- Pelvic or lumbar pain in any part of the menstrual cycle
Attention: Often there are no symptoms. It is also possible that a woman with severe endometriosis has no pain, but a women with mild endometriosis may have extremely strong pain.